Friday, March 16, 2012


Love is the reason we're here on earth

I don’t know why I think this day is so special. Why I used ‘LOVE’? nevermind, I just want to share the love today, for all people who read this. J
     Think.. nobody can hurt you, nobody can told you that u’re not beautiful. Evry people is beautiful… evry people are unique. Nobody perfect. Just proud to be you. The way you smile, the way you through the pain.. that’s life. You just you! Nobody can judge you. Think smart… be mature.. keep go on, and never look back J

Angelica Hennata

Love : a sign that spring can't be far away

Love: like music to your ears

Love: two people sharing one heart
Love: seeing his face evrywhere

*Design by: Angelica Hennata
*Color : water color 'Pelikan'
*sketching and coloring by hand.
*edited on Photoshop cs3  

Wanna see my bunch of Design?Here!

I really need some theme for my design … if you have any idea please ask me, I’ll design it and later when I post it I’ll write that was a request from you J

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thanks for evryone who visits my blog and support me
and thanks for the sweet comment :)

Angelica Hennata